Fucking Amazing!
All I've got to say is thank God you remembered to submit. My official christmas favorite.
Fucking Amazing!
All I've got to say is thank God you remembered to submit. My official christmas favorite.
This was great! The animation is way better in this one than in the 7th episode though. I don't get it. It's like you got worse. Well whatever the reason I think you should stick with your roots cause i really liked this one.
a try. i'll give you that.
Dude. There is no funny. So what is to make up for the shitty drawings and animation. Not trying to be mean. But you're never gonna get this thing passed judgement unless you fix up the graphics. a lot. The sound was good though. Rather quite enjoyed it actually. Just try to improve. Please.
Boredom has no time for quality, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
I respect you as a fellow socio path.
I think maybe you should work on the lenght a bit. Maybe use some more shading. The lighting looked a little off. lulz.
I <3 Stop-motion
1st thing you learn with Stop-motion is to stabilize your camera. Also, lighting is more important than you think you had some crazy shadows in a couple scenes. But still, I got a soft spot for stop-motion and I liked the directing.
The storyline is topnotch. The animation is good. It's noticable that the detailed drawings are inanimate and that the only real moving parts are stuff added on to the drawings or the stick figures. But I'm glad you did it this way cause it's better than using detailed drawings animated and it looking crappy. Plus the stick figure animation is really good. Props, dude, props.
Thank you, that was my exact thought process regarding the still drawings.
not ver often that i say this but i loved it
sequel sequel sequel
more please
I rated it high cause i really want to see more. I really want to see a full length one.
needs music and sound effects. great animation and drawing though.
We are Harry Ginger and Maxwell Richardson. We got into the online community through playing online games and watching funny animations. We loved it enough to start creating our own forms of media. [Games, Animations, Videos, and Stories] VP = 4.86
Age 43, Male
The O.C.
Joined on 7/18/07